
About The Zakow Group

The Zakow Group is an independent marketing consultancy that specializes in providing cost-effective, integrated marketing solutions to businesses.

With extensive global experience in B2B, B2B2C and B2C, we have led hundreds of integrated campaigns and launches, crafted numerous strategic decks and tactical rollout plans and developed thousands of pieces of content including video scripts, employee and client communications, thought leadership, sales sheets, presentations, playbooks, blogs and more.

We approach new initiatives from a strategic standpoint, starting from a solid foundation of impactful messaging, clear positioning, and powerful value proposition development—all based on thorough market research. On the execution side, we create compelling content, ensuring it is crisp, resonates emotionally and is on point for the channel and audience. Adept at writing for different audiences—from internal communications to the C-suite to the buyer—we are particularly strong at turning dry, technical subject matter into accessible and engaging content.